open-discussion > Error: invalid datamatrix (d)
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Jun 10, 2022 04:06 AM | Shi Zhengwei
Error: invalid datamatrix (d)
After using Rebecca Deweys script to convert Hitachi ETG 4000 data
to the *.nirs format,my installation of Homer2 (on Matlab R2013a)
does not open the file, but gives me an error message saying 1.
Error: invalid datamatrix (d), it opens the Sample files though.Can
you please help me solve this issue?
Thanks Again!
Thanks Again!
Jun 15, 2022 04:06 PM | Rebecca Dewey
RE: Error: invalid datamatrix (d)
Thank you for reaching out. I have often seen this error when
people are trying to use the wrong output file from the Hitachi
software. You need to use the Probe1_MES file containing the raw
intensity data, and not any of the calculated chromophore files.
Does this help at all?
Does this help at all?