help > EV Units?
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Jan 9, 2014 08:01 PM | Bernd Wahlt
EV Units?
I am interested in your toolbox. I was able to successfully install, run and get some results printed. Could you please explain what "effective volume" is? What its unit is (voxels, mL etc)? Looking at the preliminary numbers I am guessing it is not normalized to intracranial volume, correct? Thank you for your help.
I am interested in your toolbox. I was able to successfully install, run and get some results printed. Could you please explain what "effective volume" is? What its unit is (voxels, mL etc)? Looking at the preliminary numbers I am guessing it is not normalized to intracranial volume, correct? Thank you for your help.
Jan 9, 2014 11:01 PM | Christopher Lindner
RE: EV Units?
It is Effective Volume which is the number of hyperintense voxels
weighted by their probability measure. This is why it is hard to
say that it has actual units since it is more of a theoretical
quantity. It should still provide very useful information about a
subject such as the difference in EV between an AD subject versus a
control ect..
It is better to use effective volume as opposed to a strict voxel count in this case since W2MHS is automated and may misclassify some regions.
It is better to use effective volume as opposed to a strict voxel count in this case since W2MHS is automated and may misclassify some regions.
Jan 9, 2014 11:01 PM | Bernd Wahlt
RE: EV Units?
Thank you. What would you recommend doing to account for
differences in head sizes?
Jan 9, 2014 11:01 PM | Christopher Lindner
RE: EV Units?
I'm not an expert on this but I would find some other software that
gets a good volume estimate of white matter and use that to relate
cross subject data. You could even use the entire cranial volume.
Alternatively, since I am a MatLab programmer and W2MHS allows you
to keep all of the preprocessing images, It wouldn't be too hard to
write a script that quantifies cranial / white matter volume.