open-discussion > Common coordinates
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Apr 28, 2014  12:04 AM | John Anderson
Common coordinates
Hi Nathan!

Nice piece of code - very useful!

I'm having a bit of trouble incorporating the output .nii files back into a PLS analysis - the error code I'm getting is "Error: no common coords among datamats!"  This error *only* shows up after I run PHYCAA+, does doing this step change the coordinate space or perhaps strip some information from the nifit file headers?  I can view the .nii files and they look sensibly brain shaped, so I think the problem probably is with the header or the origin.  Hope this reaches you soon,


Sep 11, 2014  12:09 PM | Nathan Churchill
RE: Common coordinates
Hi John,
just letting you know that the latest release of PHYCAA+ (2014/09/11) should have resolved this issue.
Hope this helps!
