sdm-help-list > Viewing regression plots for meta-regressions
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Nov 16, 2022  11:11 AM | Molly Rowlands
Viewing regression plots for meta-regressions

Is there a way to view the regression plots for the meta-regression analyses?

For example, as in the screenshot attached from Radua et al "Voxel-wise meta-analysis of grey matter changes in obsessive–compulsive disorder" 2009. 

If not, is there a way to obtain other useful statistics, such as the R score of the slope? This, or even better, viewing the plots themselves would help with making the resulting regression maps more intuitive. 

Nov 24, 2022  09:11 AM | Lydia Fortea - Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
RE: Viewing regression plots for meta-regressions
Dear Molly, 

I'm afraid SDM doesn't perform regression plots. To do that, you have to extract the hedges's g and var values for the cluster of interest in every study and imputation (in the mi folder). Then, you combine the multiple imputations for each study using the rubin's rule, and then you would have the SDM values of the cluster for each study. Finally, you can use R (or other software) to plot the regression.

Best regards,