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Mar 14, 2023  05:03 AM | Elena Pozzi
IBMA with statistical maps - set-up questions
Dear experts,

I am using SDM to conduct an IBMA with unthresholded statistical maps and I have a few questions for which I would really appreciate your help.
1. According to the tutorial, I need to convert the images first, using the [Convert images] button. Using the button, I have to manually select each image and enter the DoF. I have several maps and I need to run several analyses, is there a way to use the command line to complete this step, rather than doing it manually?
2. Because I have statistical maps, I don't have t-value thresholds. Should I still include a t_thr column, and filled it with NA?
3. The FWE correction/permutation step takes quite a long time. As mentioned before, I have several analyses to run, so I was wondering if there is a way to run the analyses in parallel?

Thank you very much in advance!

Mar 14, 2023  10:03 PM | Elena Pozzi
RE: IBMA with statistical maps - set-up questions
Sorry, I also have another question. If after running FWE correction and threshold I get a blank html page, only with the titles (see attachment), does this mean there are no significant results?
Mar 21, 2023  05:03 AM | Elena Pozzi
RE: IBMA with statistical maps - set-up questions
I think I found the answer to my question 1 - in case it is helpful for others. On a Mac I am running, from a Terminal window (the Mac Terminal, not Sdm):

/Applications/SdmPsiGui-osx-v6.21/ mymap.nii.gz -set_mni
/Applications/SdmPsiGui-osx-v6.21/ mymap.nii.gz -set_t [dof]

RE question 2, I tried not to include the t_thr column, but then I couldn't start the preprocessing. In the log indeed it says WARNING: Row 't_thr' not found in the table.. The program will close as this problem could cause fatal errors. So I have included it, but left it blank. Does this make a difference, compared to fill it with NA?

I would also still appreciate answer to questions 3 and 4, in particular getting a blank page (sometimes completely blank, sometimes with headers and ?? like in the screenshot) when opening the z_tfceCorrected_p_0.02500_1.htm file.

Could you also confirm whether I am correct in using FSL Raw test statistic from randomise as input (_tstat)?

Thanks so much in advance.
Apr 13, 2023  08:04 AM | Lydia Fortea - Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
RE: IBMA with statistical maps - set-up questions
Dear Elena, 

Sorry for the late response. and I'm happy you get answers to some of your questions

For SDM, a empty column for the t_thr is the same as fillinf it with NA, so it's the same.

Indeed, if you get an empty webpage is that there is no significant results for the contrast/threshold you set.

You can use the randomise tstat as input for the t-images in SDM. 

The only way to make FWE faster is adding more CPUs in the prompt, but there is nothing else to do

Apr 13, 2023  11:04 PM | Elena Pozzi
RE: IBMA with statistical maps - set-up questions
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond Lydia!