sdm-help-list > Correlational Meta-analysis of DTI studies
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Nov 18, 2024  02:11 PM | riha89 - TU Dresden
Correlational Meta-analysis of DTI studies

Hi everybody,

I am currently planning/registering a meta-analysis of studies investigating the correlation between DTI-derived metrics and continuos socio-cogitive measures across populations to investigate potential transdiagnositc associations. To this end I want to integrate all relevant whole-brain analyses in an SDM neuroimaging MA. The resulting map should show the regions at which WM-properties are convergingly associated with socio-cognitive measures. I am anticipating a number of different DTI metrics (FA, nr streamlines, MD, etc) to be used across the studies and would like to integrate as much of the literature as possible. 

From the previous applications of SDM I am taking that one-sample DTI studies with a TBSS template for both VWA and TBSS studies should work. However, I am unsure about the integration of correlations with various DTI-metrics which I would only separate post-hoc using linear contrasts.

Are there any recommendations on the software version and thresholds/settings to apply? Or am I missing something that is  fundamentally wrong about my proposed approach?

I greatly appreciate any input and want to thank the developers for their outstandig documentation and support!

Best, Rita