sdm-help-list > (old questions) - Mega-analyses with SDM
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Oct 29, 2013 02:10 AM | Joaquim Radua
(old questions) - Mega-analyses with SDM
QUESTION: ... I have a series of 3-4 moderately sized studies with the
data collected on different scanners (so it is not feasible to
combine the raw data). I was wondering if you had any guidelines or
feeling about the number of independent datasets that should go
into an SDM analysis. Helpfully, I would have effect
size/statistical maps for all datasets.
ANSWER: In "typical" SDM meta-analyses, i.e. mostly based on peak data and aiming to summarize all the studies in the field, I would suggest to include more studies. However, in your case I think that 3-4 studies may be enough, as a) you have all the data (not only peaks); and b) you are not aiming to summarize all the studies in the field, but only to combine your data.
ANSWER: In "typical" SDM meta-analyses, i.e. mostly based on peak data and aiming to summarize all the studies in the field, I would suggest to include more studies. However, in your case I think that 3-4 studies may be enough, as a) you have all the data (not only peaks); and b) you are not aiming to summarize all the studies in the field, but only to combine your data.