sdm-help-list > how this software could be use in PET datas?
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Dec 31, 2013  02:12 PM | Nobody
how this software could be use in PET datas?
As SDM is a statistical technique for meta-analyzing studies on differences in brain activity or structure which used neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, VBM or PET. I was wondering if you had any guidelines about the PET datas that should go into an SDM analysis. Recently, we want to make a meta analysis about the PET. But the SDM software didn't work. Helpfully, we did not find the template file for PET in the software of "Preprocessing".
    Hope for your help.Thank you very much.
Jan 8, 2014  10:01 AM | Nobody
RE: how this software could be use in PET datas?
PET data should be treated the same as MRI data, i.e. using either t maps or peak coordinates.

The template should be chosen depending on the molecule used, e.g. functional PET should use a gray matter or fMRI template, whereas ligands for white matter should use a white matter template.