Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Jan 7, 2014
Tool/Resource: Conferences, Workshops and Meetings

The Winter School is organized by the Berlin School of Mind and Brain and the Bernstein Center Berlin and is tailored to MSc and PhD students, but also covers a range of topics of potential interest to other brain researchers, reflecting on the ethical and societal consequences of modern neuroscience. Topics include theoretical foundations (applied ethics and its philosophical and neuroscientific foundations), practical aspects (good scientific practice, ethics committees) and ethical aspects of specific research fields (animal research, clinical practice, deep brain stimulation, neuroenhancement, brain reading). Each topic is introduced in a lecture complemented by recommended scientific literature, while group work and final presentations allow the participants to put the learned contents into practice. The aim of this winter school is to enable the students to integrate the ethical aspects into their own ongoing and future research.

Keynote on "Brain death" by Prof. Ralf Stoecker (Bielefeld University)

Philosophical Ethics
Brain Reading
The Neurobiology of Values - Scientific Paradigms
Good Scientific Practice 
Deep Brain Stimulation and Ethics
Ethical Issues of Animal Experiments
Neuroimaging and Neurolaw: A neurophilosophical perspective on pedophilia
Legal Aspects of Neuroimaging
Patient Data Security
Ethics Committees

Confirmed lecturers
R. Abdel-Rahman (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
F. Bermpohl (Charité Medical School, Berlin)
B. Blobel (University of Regensburg)
U. Dirnagl (Charité Medical School, Berlin)
J.-D. Haynes (BCCN and BFNT Berlin, Charité Medical School, Berlin)
A. Heinz (BCCN Berlin, BFNL complex human learning, Charité Medical School, Berlin)
J. Hübl (Charité Medical School, Berlin) 
M. Pauen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
T. Schmidt (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
H. Walter (Charité Medical School, Berlin)
Y. Winter (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Scientific committee
Felix Bermpohl, John-Dylan Haynes, Thomas Schmidt, and Michael Pauen.

Lecture Hall
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Philippstr. 13 House 6
10115 Berlin

Vanessa Casagrande and Dirk Mende

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