open-discussion > FRIEND with Siemens data
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Mar 26, 2015  02:03 PM | Tomas Sakinis
FRIEND with Siemens data
Hello, we are stuck at a point where we get the dicom data from siemens (Skyra) in the format of approximately XXXX.0001.xXXXX.XXXXX.ima. The data works with FRIEND only when renamed, but we don't know how to rename it in real time on windows. Does anyone have any suggestions?

May 20, 2015  04:05 PM | Griselda Garrido
RE: FRIEND with Siemens data
Hi Tomas,
If you could send a compressed file containing an entire run with *.ima files we can develop the necessary functionality.
Many thanks
Aug 5, 2015  05:08 PM | Jens Sommer
RE: FRIEND with Siemens data
Hi Thomas,

I had the same problem with data from a TRIO but with the support from the FRIEND team, it was easily solved.
In the study_parms.txt file was a line 'SufixNumberWidth=5'.
After setting this to 'SufixNumberWidth=6', I could read in the Siemens data.
