open-discussion > Tractography
Showing 1-2 of 2 posts
Dec 16, 2020 07:12 PM | Christine Charvet
Thank you for making these data available. I am interested in
reconstructing tracts through these macaque brains. I see there are
some DWI images. I assume that the scans would be accompanied by a
gradient table to reconstruct fibers. I am not sure where that
information is?
Dec 16, 2020 07:12 PM | Martin Styner
RE: Tractography
Hi Christine
The data is stored in NRRD format, and thus the DWI NRRD header information contains the full gradient table.
There is a tool in Slicer ( called DWIConvert (use at least version 4.6) that can convert NRRD to NIFTI and thus write out bvals and bvecs.
The NRRD header is in text and thus you can easily look at it (e.g. with a header). The gradient table encoding is described here:
We also created age specific DTI atlases with reconstructed tracts, but have not yet been able to put these on the download page. Let us know if you are interested in these.
Originally posted by Christine Charvet:
The data is stored in NRRD format, and thus the DWI NRRD header information contains the full gradient table.
There is a tool in Slicer ( called DWIConvert (use at least version 4.6) that can convert NRRD to NIFTI and thus write out bvals and bvecs.
The NRRD header is in text and thus you can easily look at it (e.g. with a header). The gradient table encoding is described here:
We also created age specific DTI atlases with reconstructed tracts, but have not yet been able to put these on the download page. Let us know if you are interested in these.
Originally posted by Christine Charvet:
Thank you for making these data available. I am
interested in reconstructing tracts through these macaque brains. I
see there are some DWI images. I assume that the scans would be
accompanied by a gradient table to reconstruct fibers. I am not
sure where that information is?