open-discussion > co-registration issue
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Feb 20, 2017  04:02 PM | Jeongchul Kim
co-registration issue

I'm working on rhesus monkey brain MRI analysis and I've download some images from
But, I found that T1/T2 images have different orientation and image origins from FA/MD images.
My purpose is to co-register estimated FA/MD images to T1 image space.
I've tried to align using FSL flirt, but I was not able to do it due do background noise and skull without manual skull stripping of FA/MD images.

So, I'd like to ask you whether there are skull-stripped FA/MD images or original DICOM images are available for reprocessing.
Additionally, do you have Fiedlmap images for distortion correction?
Hope I can get some advice on rhesus monkey image analysis.
Thank you.

Feb 20, 2017  08:02 PM | Martin Styner
RE: co-registration issue
Hi Jeongchul
We are currently manually editing the DTI brain masks and will make them public as soon as that is done (probably by June). 

Re field map: No, we did not acquire any field map.

Re DICOM: Not sure why it would be needed, as one easily convert the NRRD data to Nifti (e.g. using DWIConvert/DWIConverter in 3D Slicer). The issue with the DICOM data is that some datasets have incorrect DICOM orientation information, which we corrected.

Re FLIRT:, FLIRT won't be enough for an appropriate correction for the distortions in the diffusion data. The data has significant distortions in the anterior temporal lobe area, which need a non-linear registration (FLIRT is a linear registration tool).

Feb 22, 2017  07:02 PM | Jeongchul Kim
RE: co-registration issue
Dr. Martin,

That sounds great.
Hope updated brain masks are available soon.
Thank you.
