open-discussion > MRIcroGL for PET contours
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Jan 28, 2021  03:01 AM | sarpat
MRIcroGL for PET contours
Hi, I'm using MRIcroGL to convert whole body PET imaging in cancer patients. I'm using another software (MIM) to contour the disease - is it possible to convert these contours from DICOM to NIfTI using MRIcroGL? When I try it nothing happens.
Feb 1, 2021  04:02 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: MRIcroGL for PET contours
I do not have enough information to answer this question. MIM is a proprietary professional tool, and I have no idea how it stores its contours. I do not have access to this tool. You can always use MRIcroGL's drawing tools to mark regions. If you use a professional tool like MIM, you are entitled to professional support. I would contact them to see how the data can be exported.