open-discussion > How to measure distance between two voxels
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Nov 8, 2021  06:11 PM | severus
How to measure distance between two voxels

Is there a way to measure the distance between two points on an image on MRIcroGL?

Many thanks
Nov 8, 2021  06:11 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: How to measure distance between two voxels
Yes. You did not specify if you are using MacOS, Windows or Linux. You can use the "Mouse Gestures" item of the "Help" menu to see the required modifier key. On macOS, this is "Option-Drag: Measuring tool".

When you use the measuring tool, the start point, end point and length are reported in the title bar. The graph on the bottom samples along the line, revealing the relative brightness. For example, in the attached screenshot the white matter has an intensity around 125, while the ventricles dip to about 30.
Attachment: gl_measure.png
Nov 8, 2021  06:11 PM | severus
RE: How to measure distance between two voxels
Thanks a lot, that's really helpful.

So in your screenshot the distance from start point to end point is 53.73 mm?
Nov 8, 2021  06:11 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: How to measure distance between two voxels
Yes, and the horizontal axis of the graph is in mm from the start of the line.