help > Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'
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Feb 19, 2023  03:02 AM | neal_caffrey
Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'

When I attempted to convert multi-echo mprage images using dcm2niix (version v1.0.20220720), I got the following warning messageļ¼š

Chris Rorden's dcm2niiX version v1.0.20220720 (JP2:OpenJPEG) (JP-LS:CharLS) MSC1900 (64-bit Windows)
Found 960 DICOM file(s)
Slices not stacked: echo varies (TE 1.64, 3.5; echo 1, 2). Use 'merge 2D slices' option to force stacking
Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'

Is this something that I can ignore? Thank you for clarifying.
Feb 19, 2023  04:02 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'
  Your images were acquired with H>>F image numbering mode. Siemens explicitly says you should not use this mode. Please adjust the sequence on your console. Some users assume that this acquires data in a descending rather than an ascending pattern, but this is not the case. It simply changes the order that 2D slices are written to the mosaic. I assume dcm2niix is doing the right thing, but this is virtually untested as Siemens explicitly warns users not to use this mode. Do check the spatial direction, the slice timing and the diffusion vectors if you use this mode. there is very little validation of this mode by dcm2niix (and presumably Siemens as well).
see PDF by Joachim Graessner linked here
  "Do not use the mode H>>F because this complicates the numbering and you will have to sort images manually in most fMRI post-processing tools. The excitation of the slices in this case also starts caudally with the highest image numbers counting backwards!"
Jul 6, 2023  01:07 PM | larawa
RE: Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'


I have a related question: We're using a Siemens Magnetom Skyra syngo MR XA30 scanner with a multiband acquisition. Since updating dcm2niix to version v1.0.20230411 the warning "Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb" occured. The images should be acquired with F >> H. When checking the slice timing provided in the json file after conversion, they seem to be correct compared to times from dicom tag 0018,9074 (as described as the last option here: What causes this warning and is there a way to solve it? 

Thank you for your help!


Originally posted by Chris Rorden:

Hello,   Your images were acquired with H>>F image numbering mode. Siemens explicitly says you should not use this mode. Please adjust the sequence on your console. Some users assume that this acquires data in a descending rather than an ascending pattern, but this is not the case. It simply changes the order that 2D slices are written to the mosaic. I assume dcm2niix is doing the right thing, but this is virtually untested as Siemens explicitly warns users not to use this mode. Do check the spatial direction, the slice timing and the diffusion vectors if you use this mode. there is very little validation of this mode by dcm2niix (and presumably Siemens as well). see PDF by Joachim Graessner linked here   "Do not use the mode H>>F because this complicates the numbering and you will have to sort images manually in most fMRI post-processing tools. The excitation of the slices in this case also starts caudally with the highest image numbers counting backwards!"


Jul 6, 2023  02:07 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'

For Siemens systems VA-VE saving as mosaics reduced the number and size of files created. With XA Siemens upgraded to enhanced DICOM, with all slices from a non-mosaic image saved as a single, compact file. Siemens considers the XA mosaics secondary capture images intended for quality assurance only and the mosaics do not contain the rich sequence meta-data of non-mosaic images. When you upgrade a Siemens system to XA, it is crucial to ensure that all your sequences are set to save enhanced, non-mosaic DICOMs. Provided with impoverished DICOMs, dcm2niix will create impoverished NIfTIs. The solution to this problem is to save non-mosaic enhanced images for all future acquisitions. The Siemens Research Collaboration Manager associated with your center can provide more details.

For background, see here:

The warning is because an operator accidentally set the image numbering of the mosaic to "H>>F", presumably assuming this would change the acquisition order from ascending to descending. However, this setting only changes the image placement in the mosaic, not the acquistion. As Siemens notes: "Do not use the mode H>>F because this complicates the numbering and you will have to sort images manually in most fMRI post-processing tools."

Jul 13, 2023  12:07 PM | larawa
RE: Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'

Thank you for the very fast reply! We double checked our sequences and have selected F >> H for the acquisition and ensured to export the dicoms in enhanced format. So we're not sure what might cause this warning for our data. We would also be more than happy to provide you with a sample data if this might help resolve the issue? Or do you maybe have further suggestions, what to look for? 

Jul 13, 2023  07:07 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Warning: Assuming mosaics saved in reverse order due to 'sSliceArray.ucImageNumb'

I am unable to provide additonal insight without seeing your data. Feel free to share with my institutional email: