I have SPM T map which is obtained with SPM12 group statistical analysis. the features of this T maps include: p value=0.05, exthended thresholding T=4.83(based on table in SPM12), minimume of cluster size>10 voxel. Now I want to find regions with significant differences by using of AAL parcellation atlas. my questions:
1-How can I change the option in MRIcroGL based on these values which i find in SPM12?
2- I get these result in MRIcroGL, but I can't underestand these numbers in paranthesis.
Notes: rspmT_0002(interpolated) on aal(interpolated)
Volume Peak PeakXYZ
Peak Structure
• XYZ Structure
434 7.7
-27.1×-34.8×-39.3 Cerebelum_10_L(51)
The peak voxel is does not overlap with your atlas. This cluster spans several brain regions:
Outside Atlas (19%)
Thank you for your reply.
1-Do you think this finding makes sense?(reseanable?)
2- Should the obtained areas be present in the atlas?(you see peack structure is not in atlas, and some voxels didnt determine specific region in AAL atlas!!)
3- How can I report this finding in my manuscript?