help > How to draw and visualize ROI by coding in MRIcroGL
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Aug 26, 2023  06:08 PM | ling quan
How to draw and visualize ROI by coding in MRIcroGL

To show stimulation sites in our experiment, I want to do the following steps through coding:

1) Draw spheres  (e.g., Sphere1 center: 20 5 10, radius 2 mm; Sphere2 center: 25 51 11, radius 2 mm) .

2) Show these ROIs with different colors (I need five colors for five ROIs ) on rendered brain.

3)  Cutout the rendered brain to improve visualisation. For example, I need to cutout the brain to show the sphere centered around  20, 5, 10. I need to know how to transform the coordinates into the inputs which could be used by the cutout function gl.cutout.

Do you know how to do this through codeing in MRIcroGL?

I checked the manual and demo scripts and didn't find corresponding code except for the cutout function.  But this function doesn't accept coordinates as its inputs.