Dear all,
I have used MRICroGL to create some nice brain images, which I am going to publish as part of my article.
The journal is requesting me to include in the manuscript some form of permission / acknowledgement for use of the MRICroGL outputs, which is fair and I will obviously mention the use of MRICroGL.
However, I am not sure exactly how to do this. I wonder if you could let me know how to acknowledge the use of this software? Is there any sort of boilerplate language that covers it? Also, is there any licensing / accreditation required linked to the MRICroGL?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best wishes,
Any figures you create with MRIcroGL, Surfice and NiiVue are your own original art, and you do not need any permission to publish these: you and your co-authors are the original copyright holders.
While not required, I would be grateful if you could cite my tools. The current best citation is very old, and I need to stop developing new tools and publish a modern description. The best citation is:
Spatial normalization of brain images with focal lesions using cost function masking.
Because you and your co-authors are the original copyright holders, any figures you generate with MRIcroGL, Surfice, and NiiVue are your own unique work, and you do not need permission to publish them.