help > ventura mac launch error
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Feb 28, 2024  04:02 PM | uoc
ventura mac launch error


I have a macbook 2021 (M1 pro, Ventura 13.4.1) that wont allow running the latest MRIcroGL version.  the error says access violation, clik ok to ignore or abort. both do nothing.

As reading a similar error in the forum, I have granted permissions to open internet software, moved the file to the app folder, used chrome to download, and run from the terminal (with the image attached showing error 'cannot find AFNI atlas path').

so not sure where the issue is and any help is very appreciated!




Feb 28, 2024  10:02 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: ventura mac launch error

Can you follow these steps:

 1. Download the v1.2.20220720 release MRIcroGL_macOS.dmg

 2. Open the dmg file and copy to your applications folder.

 3. Open this version of MRIcroGl from your applications folder.

 4. If this fails, open up the terminal (Applications/Utilities/terminal) and launch the software with the -r argument to reset the settings:


/Applications/ -r



Mar 1, 2024  07:03 PM | uoc
RE: ventura mac launch error

dear chris,

thanks, it did the job using the terminal option!
