questions > problem converting DICOM to NIFTI Newbie
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Mar 1, 2024  06:03 PM | abinoah - University of Nottingham
problem converting DICOM to NIFTI Newbie


I am trying to convert MRI's from Dicom to Nifti

Was going swimmingly well till I got this message

Found 1422 DICOM file(s)
DICOM images may be missing, expected 70 spatial locations per volume, but found 1422 slices.
Slice positions repeated, but number of slices (1422) not divisible by number of repeats (21): missing images?
Hint: expected 70 locations
Warning: Interslice distance varies in this volume (incompatible with NIfTI format).
Unable to equalize slice distances: slice order not consistently ascending.
First spatial position repeated 21 times

Can anyone please explain what this means and what I can do about it?

Using MRIcroGL



Mar 1, 2024  07:03 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: problem converting DICOM to NIFTI Newbie

This looks like an issue with your images not dcm2niix. You will want to make sure that all the DICOM files from the series are in a single folder. Perhaps a disk became full so only stored part of the series. Check the provenance of your images, and convert a complete set.