questions > 报错:OpenJPEG j2k_to_image failed to decode
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Nov 8, 2024  09:11 PM | long zhang
报错:OpenJPEG j2k_to_image failed to decode

在使用dcm2niix过程中出现: OpenJPEG j2k_to_image failed to decode……错误

Nov 9, 2024  12:11 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: 报错:OpenJPEG j2k_to_image failed to decode

You could try to uncompress your DICOM from JPEG2000, and then use dcm2niix on the uncompressed DICOM:

gdcmconv --raw in.dcm out.dcm
dcmdjpeg  in.dcm out.dcm

If all of these tools fail, it suggests your DICOM image is not valid