dki-questions > bruker
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Feb 28, 2015  04:02 AM | Alexander Drobyshevsky
could you provide a bit more details how to run bruker files? which folder should I put in the parameters file? should bruker folder structure be preserved? I am getting an error in the command window :"converting input Bruker images to NIFTI...error using textread line <167> file not found
Thanks, alex
Mar 4, 2015  01:03 PM | Emilie McKinnon - MUSC
RE: bruker
Hi Alex,

Bruker data right now is not supported in the GUI, so you will have to run DKE in the command window. Open DKEParameters.dat and change the preprocessing_options.format from 'dicom' to 'bruker'. You will also need to specify the coreg_flag and the navg. Make sure your method file is located in the same folder as your images(this should be the only file you need to move). Your studydir will need to point to your 2dseq file.

Let me know if you still have problems,