help > error results _ never end
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Jun 25, 2019  08:06 PM | Jia Gaoding
error results _ never end
Dear Sungho,

Thank you so much for this great toolbox. 
I am new to fnirs data analysis, and run into a problem when I process the sample data (stroop) in the function of "individual analysis"-- "result". the problem is when i define a new constrast (e.g t-stats, 0 0 0 1 0 0 0) and click 'Done' in the "SPM constrast manager" panel, the t-statistic map turns out fine in the "spm fnirs viewer stats" panel, but then when I click "Activation" button to do the p value adjustment (accept the default 0.05 FWE),nothing has changed at all, regionally specific effects (eg, cortical activation during incongruent task detected using HbO) could not be identified as shown in Figure 7 in manual, different views also can not be selected using the vertical bar; additionally, at this time, no matter what button I Clicked on the interface, such as saving the current figure, defining new constrast ,nothing could happen. all i know is that the PC is keeping running because the computer fan is spinning fast to dissipate heat and  have to press “ctr+c” to terminate the procedure forcefully.

I got the same problem running on matlab 2016a(Mac pro 2016) or 2014a(Window 10),using the codes: and as suggested.

I tried many times  but this error were still here. I was wondering what could mostly cause it and how to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated.

With best wishes,

PS:Attachments for your reference.
Oct 29, 2019  05:10 PM | Fatima Sibaii - University of nebraska- lincoln
RE: error results _ never end
I am having the exact same issue.
Nov 1, 2022  02:11 AM | yasunori
RE: error results _ never end
I am also having the same issue.

When I stopped it, the command line showed the following error.

Operation terminated by user during spm_ECdensity

In spm_P_RF (line 63)
EC = spm_ECdensity(STAT,Z,df);
In spm_uc_RF (line 37)
[P, P, p] = spm_P_RF(1,0,u,df,STAT,R,n);
In spm_uc (line 31)
u = spm_uc_RF(a,df,STAT,R,n);
In spm_fnirs_viewer_stat>push_activation_Callback (line 211)
u = spm_uc(u,df, SPM.xCon(ic).STAT , SPM.xVol.R{view},1,SPM.xVol.S{view});
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In spm_fnirs_viewer_stat (line 35)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Interrupt while evaluating UIControl Callback.

It seems that the program can not exit the following "while loop" of spm_uc_RF (line 37)

%-Approximate estimate using E{m}
d = 1;
while abs(d) > 1e-6
[P, P, p] = spm_P_RF(1,0,u,df,STAT,R,n);
[P, P, q] = spm_P_RF(1,0,u + du,df,STAT,R,n);
d = (a - p)/((q - p)/du);
u = u + d;
if isinf(u), u=+Inf; return; end

I was using the sample data following the manual with Matlab R2022b on Mac.

Does somebody find any solution?
Nov 16, 2022  03:11 AM | Manuel Munoz
RE: error results _ never end
I also have the same issue, as others have reported before. I have tried several Matlab version (from 2014 to 2022), and different operating systems (MacOS and Windows) and the error persists. The only way I get to prevent the never end loop is running twice the estimation GLM parameter. However, the result I get after calculating the activation p values is a blank surface of the rendered brain, without any significant cortical activation value. Looking at the beta values, it seems that they are smaller than they should be, or at least when you multiply them by 5 or 10, for example, it results in a cortical activation figure closer to that represented in the manual, but still not the same. 

I wonder if someone found a solution to this issue. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best wishes,
