help > The unit, GaussianFWHM[seconds] is correct?
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Apr 2, 2021  05:04 AM | Tetsuji Oyama - BRsystems Inc
The unit, GaussianFWHM[seconds] is correct?
Dear all,

In Temporal Preprocessing, when Gaussian is used for 'Temporal smoothing', the unit display 'Gaussian FWHM[seconds]'.
The default value is 4.  This calculation is done in SPM12. And in SPM12, the unit is [mm] not [second],
the defalut value is 4[mm].
FWHM is full width(dimension is length) at half maximum.
I think the unit is mm.
If the unit [seconds] is correct, would you please let me know the calculation method or the reference.

Looking forward to the response.