help > problem in 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m'
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May 4, 2021  11:05 AM | michal levin
problem in 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m'
When using the spatial pre-processing, the code ran without errors but the spm_fnirs_viewer_ch didn't show any information. I opened the 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m' and noticed that all variables in 'dist' array where larger than th_dist, therefore leaving R.s.xy and R.d.xy as a zeros array. I used MNI coordinates for my montage from Nirsite. How can I fix this?

Thank you in advance
Jul 2, 2021  07:07 AM | alexandre
RE: problem in 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m'
I think I've got the same problem and use Nirsite too.
Didn't find any solution for now...

Jul 2, 2021  08:07 AM | alexandre
RE: problem in 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m'
That's sounds totaly arbitrary and and a wrong way, however setting the th_dist to a greater value (e.g. 80) allow the rendering of channels...
Don't know why...

It remains hard to say if all coordinates are correctly rendered. 

Jul 4, 2021  09:07 AM | michal levin
RE: problem in 'spm_fnirs_xy_render.m'
Originally posted by alexandre :
I think I've got the same problem and use Nirsite too.
Didn't find any solution for now...


Hello Alex,
The Nirx support team has helped me to overcome this problem. I recommend that you contact them.