open-discussion > What is the window width of the default contrast in MRIcorn?
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Feb 5, 2020  04:02 PM | pxwei
What is the window width of the default contrast in MRIcorn?
Dear Prof. Rorden,

I find "Clicking the 'auto contrast' button (showing a black arrow on a mostly white circle) sets 1% of the image to be maximum black and 1% to be maximum white" in MRIcro software guide. Does MRIcroN use the same value to its default contrast setting?

Best regards,
Feb 6, 2020  04:02 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: What is the window width of the default contrast in MRIcorn?
By default, MRIcron will adjust the contrast so that at least 2% of the image is pure black and 2% is pure white. This is accomplished with the function balance. This is analogous to fslstats 'robust intensity range'.
Feb 7, 2020  08:02 AM | pxwei
RE: What is the window width of the default contrast in MRIcorn?
Thanks for clarification!