open-discussion > MRICron .nii size file not supported
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May 7, 2024  03:05 PM | daniela bolanos - TUM
MRICron .nii size file not supported

Dear all,

I want to open a .nii file from QSM with 420 MB, but when I drag the files to MRICron window, it doesn't appear anything. Is it possible to open in MRICron view? or why is the reason I can not see the .nii images?

Thank you so much!

Best regards,

Daniela Bolanos

May 7, 2024  04:05 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: MRICron .nii size file not supported

You may want to try MRIcroGL (you can optimize the "Maximum Texture Size" for your graphics card in the preferences). You did not say what operating system you are using, but in general MRIcron on Linux and MacOS should handle 2gb (decompressed) images. If your image is compressed (.nii.gz) you may want to decompress it, as the original GZip format had a maximum size of 2Gb uncompressed and not all implementations support larger sizes.