Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Jun 22, 2016
Tool/Resource: NIMH Data Archive / National Database for Autism Research
Researchers submitting data to the NIMH Data Archive can begin uploading their second submission of 2016 when ready. Cumulative data submissions, or valid requests for exemption, are expected by July 15th. You can provide a justification for exemption in your project Collection's Data Expected tab. For new users, or experienced users interested in a refresher, training opportunities are also available. In an upcoming series of webinars, NDA staff will demonstrate how to harmonize and upload data, and go over the submission process generally. Each session will cover the same material, so please register for your preferred date and time:

June 23, 2:00 PM EDT [1]

June 30, 4:00 PM EDT [2]

July 7, 2:00 PM EDT [3]

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