Posted By: David Kennedy - Nov 25, 2008
Tool/Resource: Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
20th-24th September 2008, London, UK

MICCAI 2009, the 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, will be held from 20th to 24th September 2009 in London, UK. The venue for MICCAI 2009 is located at the main campus of Imperial
College London in South Kensington. It is situated in one of London’s finest locations, adjacent to landmarks such as The Royal Albert Hall and the Science, Natural History and Victoria & Albert Museums, with Harrods and Hyde Park just a short walk away.

Topics to be addressed in MICCAI 2009 include, but are not limited to:

* General Medical Image Computing
* Computer Assisted Interventional Systems and Robotics
* Visualisation and Interaction
* General Biological and Neuroscience Image Computing
* Computational Anatomy (statistics on anatomy)
* Computational Physiology (virtual organs)
* Innovative Clinical/Biological Applications and Surgical Procedures

Important Dates

* 19 January 2009 Tutorial and workshop proposals
* 16 February 2009 Acceptance of tutorials and workshops
* 8 March 2009 Submission of full papers
* 1 May 2009 Rebuttal of reviews
* 18 May 2009 Acceptance of papers
* 15 June 2009 Camera ready copy for papers
* 20-24 September 2009 Tutorials, Conference, Workshops

For further details on conference organisation, paper submission, and your involvement in organising MICCAI tutorials/workshops please visit
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