Posted By: David Kennedy - Dec 2, 2008
Tool/Resource: Conferences, Workshops and Meetings
The Mind Research Network and the University of New Mexico are pleased to announce the next upcoming fMRI Image Acquisition and Analyses course to be held December 1st- 3rd, 2008 at the Mind Research Network on the campus of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM. The course will include overview of both SPM2 and SPM5. The course faculty include: Kent Kiehl (The Mind Research Network and the University of New Mexico), Vince Calhoun (The Mind Research Network and the University of New Mexico), and Tor Wager (Columbia University, NY). The course will cover experimental design, image acquisition, introductory MR physics, optimized image processing, statistical analyses (i.e., SPM2/5 with General Linear Model and Statistical Nonparametric Mapping (SnPM)) and Independent Component Analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The course is designed for fMRI researchers who range from beginning to intermediate skill levels. The course will be small, having only 30-40 students. There will be many opportunities to work closely with the faculty. Students will be trained to analyze example data on their laptops in SPM2, SPM5, GIFT (ICA toolbox), and related toolboxes. Please visit for more course and registration information.
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