open-discussion > CortThick fails w/ error: segmentation fault
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May 16, 2011 02:05 PM | binod thapa-chhetry
CortThick fails w/ error: segmentation fault
Thanks for the wonderful software. I was trying to use CortThick to get cortical thickness statistics across different regions using freesurfer parcellation and fsl's FAST segmentation but it quit with the following error message:
binod@soave:~$ CortThickCLP /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/cortThick_results --inputSeg /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/fast_seg.nii --par /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii --WMLabel 3 --GMLabel 2
WhiteMatterLabel: 3
GreyMatterLabel: 2
SegmentationInput: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/fast_seg.nii
Output: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/cortThick_results
WhiteMatterComponentOption: 0
GreyMatterComponentOption: 0
VTKOption: 0
ParcellationOption: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii
ParcellationOption: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii
ParFile: 1
BoundaryVsInteriorOption: 0
SegImageSize: 74
SegImage: 1
WhiteMatterImageSize: 0
GreyMatterImageSize: 0
SepImage: 0
Boundary Computation
Danielsson Map
Calcul Distance
Hash Map
Fin HashMap
delete point
Segmentation fault
Can someone please explain what am I doing wrong,please? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the wonderful software. I was trying to use CortThick to get cortical thickness statistics across different regions using freesurfer parcellation and fsl's FAST segmentation but it quit with the following error message:
binod@soave:~$ CortThickCLP /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/cortThick_results --inputSeg /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/fast_seg.nii --par /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii --WMLabel 3 --GMLabel 2
WhiteMatterLabel: 3
GreyMatterLabel: 2
SegmentationInput: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/fast_seg.nii
Output: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/cortThick_results
WhiteMatterComponentOption: 0
GreyMatterComponentOption: 0
VTKOption: 0
ParcellationOption: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii
ParcellationOption: /data/export/home/binod/ARCTIC_trial_50294/used_wmparc_asMASK/aparc_a2009s_inT1.nii
ParFile: 1
BoundaryVsInteriorOption: 0
SegImageSize: 74
SegImage: 1
WhiteMatterImageSize: 0
GreyMatterImageSize: 0
SepImage: 0
Boundary Computation
Danielsson Map
Calcul Distance
Hash Map
Fin HashMap
delete point
Segmentation fault
Can someone please explain what am I doing wrong,please? Thanks in advance.
May 27, 2011 07:05 PM | Clement Vachet
RE: CortThick fails w/ error: segmentation fault
Dear Binod,
This is surprising, as the command line looks correct. Do the input images look correct? Are the label map and parcellation maps correctly registered to each other?
Otherwise, would it be possible to upload the data somewhere, to try to debug the tool using your data?
Best regards,
This is surprising, as the command line looks correct. Do the input images look correct? Are the label map and parcellation maps correctly registered to each other?
Otherwise, would it be possible to upload the data somewhere, to try to debug the tool using your data?
Best regards,