physio-support > How to apply BrainProducts data to PhysIO Toolbox
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Jul 12, 2022  07:07 AM | kazuaki sajima
How to apply BrainProducts data to PhysIO Toolbox
Hi, everyone.
Thank you for the great work.

I got cardiac data and respiration data using BrainProducts, and I removed MRI noise from these data using EEGLAB(referring this site:
So, I got the original cardiac and respiration data("data.eeg") and MRI-noise-removed data("data.CLEAN.set").
I'm in trouble because I don't understand which data I should use on SPM PhysIO Toolbox batch editer.
For "log_cardiac" and "log_respiration" items, I should put "data.eeg", "data.CLEAN.set", or anything else?
I'd appreciate it if you could answer my question.