physio-support > GE Physio Data processing
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Jul 16, 2018  07:07 PM | Anant Shinde
GE Physio Data processing
I have recorded Cardiac and Respiratory dataon GE 3T scanner.
Files I get from scanner are:
Filename                                                                                             No_Datapoints
PPGData_epiRT_0703201816_24_42_498                               148419
PPGTrig_epiRT_0703201816_24_42_498                                 1411
RESPData_epiRT_0703201816_24_42_498                             37105
RESPTrig_epiRT_0703201816_24_42_498                               385

I tried to run the GE batch file example with the Data files. I changed TR, Number of slices, total volumes. I was not sure what 'Nslicesperbeat' meant , i left field empty.
Here is the output error.
Running job #1
Running 'TAPAS PhysIO Toolbox'
No scan trigger events provided
No cardiac R-peak (heartbeat) events provided
Failed 'TAPAS PhysIO Toolbox'
Error using plot
Vectors must be the same length.
In file "/usr/local/spm12/toolbox/PhysIO/tapas_physio_plot_raw_physdata.m" (???), function "tapas_physio_plot_raw_physdata" at line 75.
In file "/usr/local/spm12/toolbox/PhysIO/tapas_physio_main_create_regressors.m" (???), function "tapas_physio_main_create_regressors" at line 127.
In file "/usr/local/spm12/toolbox/PhysIO/tapas_physio_cfg_matlabbatch.m" (???), function "run_physio" at line 1467.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: TAPAS PhysIO Toolbox

Q2. How to use these Trigger info files?
Sep 22, 2018  10:09 PM | Lars Kasper - Translational Neuromodeling Unit, IBT, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich
RE: GE Physio Data processing
Dear Anant,

my apologies for the late reply, I don't check this forum regularly, since we try to bundle all user requests on GitHub:

Q1: With respect to your question, it is very hard to tell from the error message. It occurs, because the time vector and the respiratory trace do not seem to have the same length. It would probably be easiest, if you sent me your logfile and the changed batch file example so that I can reproduce the error.

NslicesPerBeat can be left empty, unless you use cardiac triggering/gating for your sequence.

Q2: You probably will not need the trigger files, I suspect they are onset times of cardiac R-peak and breathing amplitude max events. But PhysIO calculates these peak onsets on its own.

I hope that (still) helps.

All the best,