help > Usage for EEG/MEG source reconstruction
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Oct 18, 2019  02:10 AM | Christian O'Reilly
Usage for EEG/MEG source reconstruction
This is an amazing set of atlases that would be of great help for my research and for the research of anyone wanting to do EEG or MEG source reconstruction in infants. Unfortunately, although close to being exactly what is needed, there is one missing thing that is essential for this kind of application: we need the surfaces necessary for BEM reconstruction of the head for the forward model of EEG/MEG sources. For example, these can be obtained in FreeSurfer by using the watershed algorithm (the mri_watershed function; it would generate the,, and files that are needed to reconstruct a BEM model of the head).

Also, not as essential, but something very nice to have, would be a volumetric labeling for subcortical regions (e.g., that would be the aseg.mgz file from the recon-all FreeSurfer pipeline). This would allows researchers to add these subcortical regions to their source model.

I don't know if you would be willing to consider adding these files to these atlas. This would make it very powerful for EEG/MEG studies and would be a great contribution to brain imaging. If you are willing to consider this, please let me know (