Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Feb 27, 2018 Tool/Resource: Journals
An fMRI study of coherent visual motion processing in children and adults. Neuroimage. 2018 Feb 22;: Authors: Taylor CM, Olulade OA, Luetje MM, Eden GF Abstract There is a large corpus of brain imaging studies examining the dorsal visual pathway, especially area V5/MT during visual motion perception. However, despite evidence suggesting a protracted development of the dorsal visual stream, and a role of this pathway in neurodevelopmental disorders, V5/MT has not been characterized developmentally. Further, experiential factors such as reading acquisition may play a modulating role in any age-dependent changes. Here we used a coherent visual motion detection task to examine V5/MT activity and connectivity in typical participants in two studies: a Cross- Sectional Study comparing adults and children; and a Longitudinal Study of 2nd graders followed into 3rd grade. In the Cross-Sectional Study, a whole-brain analysis revealed no differences between the two groups, whereas a region of interest (ROI) approach identified greater activation in left (right trending) V5/MT in adults compared to children. However, when we measured V5/MT activation individually for each participant, children and adults showed no difference in the location or intensity of activation, although children did exhibit relatively larger extent of V5/MT activation bilaterally. There was also relatively greater functional connectivity in the children between left and right occipitotemporal cortex, including V5/MT. The Longitudinal Study revealed no changes in V5/MT activation for any measures of activation or functional connectivity from 2nd to 3rd grade. Finally, there was no evidence of an association between reading and V5/MT over time, nor predictive power of V5/MT activity for later reading. Together, our results indicate similar V5/MT activity across age groups, with relatively greater extent of V5/MT activation and functional connectivity in children relative to adults, bilaterally. These differences were not apparent over the time course of one year, suggesting that these developmental changes occur over a more protracted period. PMID: 29477442 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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