Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Mar 27, 2018
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fMRI Responses in Healthy Individuals and in Patients with Mild Depression to Presentation of Pleasant and Unpleasant Images.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 2018 Mar 26;:

Authors: Mel'nikov ME, Petrovskii ED, Bezmaternykh DD, Kozlova LI, Shtark MB, Savelov AA, Shubina OS, Natarova KA

Patients with mild depression and apparently healthy individuals were presented images and asked to sort them into "pleasant" and "unpleasant" subsets. In both groups, the main differences between brain activation patterns during presentation of pleasant and unpleasant images were localized in the motor regions (precentral and postcentral gyrus) and in the cerebellum (p<0.05 with FWE correction). Most likely, these clusters are associated with motion (pressing a button in accordance with the instruction). According to the data of intergroup contrasts, patients with depression had less pronounced activation of frontal structures (middle frontal gyrus and other areas, including the white matter) in response to both positive and negative images (p<0.001). In healthy subjects, the response of the temporo-occipital areas (lingual and fusiform gyrus) to unpleasant stimuli was more intensive than in patients (p<0.001). This can be due to differences in the semantic image processing. Thus, in case of mild depression, the response of the amygdaloid complex, the key structure in the development in affective disorder, was not always observed. At the same time, the response of frontal and temporo-occipital regions has a certain potential as a biomarker of mild depression, although the reliability of the obtained data requires additional confirmation.

PMID: 29577204 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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