open-discussion > MNI space?
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Feb 25, 2013  03:02 PM | Matthew Kempton
MNI space?
Hello - great template.

It would be really useful if you could povide a version of your template in MNI space. From what I understand from the paper the atlas is not in a standard space. Having a version transformed to MNI space would allow you to sample regions from brains that have been normalised in SPM
Mar 12, 2014  06:03 PM | Torsten Rohlfing
RE: MNI space?
Hi Matthew -

Sorry I ignored you for so long. Apparently I wasn't monitoring this forum.

To answer your suggestion - we think of SRI24 as a standard space ;)

Regarding MNI - putting our template into MNI space (I assume MNI152?) would not be valid. Or rather, using its ROIs to quantify individual brains mapped into MNI space wouldn't be valid.

That's because the MNI152 template is a fuzzy mess of affine-aligned brains, so when you normalize an individual brain to it, then you really cannot rely on stuff (especially in the cortex) going in the right place.

Hope this makes sense.
