Posted By: NITRC ADMIN - Jun 2, 2018 Tool/Resource: Journals
Consistency of Regions of Interest as nodes of fMRI functional brain networks. Netw Neurosci. 2017 Oct 01;1(3):254-274 Authors: Korhonen O, Saarimäki H, Glerean E, Sams M, Saramäki J Abstract The functional network approach, where fMRI BOLD time series are mapped to networks depicting functional relationships between brain areas, has opened new insights into the function of the human brain. In this approach, the choice of network nodes is of crucial importance. One option is to consider fMRI voxels as nodes. This results in a large number of nodes, making network analysis and interpretation of results challenging. A common alternative is to use predefined clusters of anatomically close voxels, Regions of Interest (ROIs). This approach assumes that voxels within ROIs are functionally similar. Because these two approaches result in different network structures, it is crucial to understand what happens to network connectivity when moving from the voxel level to the ROI level. We show that the consistency of ROIs, defined as the mean Pearson correlation coefficient between the time series of their voxels, varies widely in resting-state experimental data. Therefore the assumption of similar voxel dynamics within each ROI does not generally hold. Further, the time series of low-consistency ROIs may be highly correlated, resulting in spurious links in ROI-level networks. Based on these results, we recommend that averaging BOLD signals over anatomically defined ROIs should be carefully considered. PMID: 29855622 [PubMed]
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