general > Getting original vs. transformed cell coordinats
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Jul 5, 2020  02:07 AM | Boaz Mohar - HHMI
Getting original vs. transformed cell coordinats

First, thank you for these amazing tools.
I have used both QhickNII and VisuAlign to get a great registration of my imaging stack to the mouse Allen CCF.
I then used Nutil to feed in a segmentation image (from Ilastik) and got the right results in terms of looking with the online MeshView
Attached is an example (slide1.png).

However I have a problem, I have other information relating to each one of these cells, and I want to know which one of the cells in the output report is which from the input.

Is there a way to know what is the order in which cells were detected?
Can I feed a label image which each cell having a different number to keep identity?

As I have already thresholded and trained a second Ilastik object based network I don't want to lose that information.
Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks again,
Attachment: Slide1.png
Aug 21, 2020  07:08 AM | Sharon Christine Yates - University of Oslo
RE: Getting original vs. transformed cell coordinats
Hi Boaz,

Sorry for our late response, we didn't pick up on your request until now.

I have transferred your issue to the github page for Nutil.  You can follow the request here:

I will discuss this with our programmer and get back to you ASAP.

Best wishes,

Sharon Yates
Nesys Laboratory,
University of Oslo
Aug 21, 2020  11:08 AM | Sharon Christine Yates - University of Oslo
RE: Getting original vs. transformed cell coordinats
Hi there, and thanks for this excellent question/remark!

The easy way: If you only need to "keep track" of the various areas, it would be quite an easy task for me to a) create a label for each identified area b) print out the ID of the area on the visual output images (where you've already got a number for the region ID etc) and c) list this ID in the reports. Actually, this is an excellent idea - and the whole thing could be enabled by having a single "yes/no" for ID Tracking in the options list.
The hard way: if *you* want to track the IDs (that is, by coming up with a name and assigning that to a specific area), I'm really uncertain how this would be implemented - and whether it is feasible to do at all. I therefore suggest we go for the easy way first. How does this sound?
btw: all requests/bugs can be tracked through the github issues: so please use github for future communication.
