general > Customized Quantification for left vs. right hemisohere
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Jan 12, 2024  06:01 PM | Ying Han
Customized Quantification for left vs. right hemisohere


    Thank you for the amazing tool! I have been using Quint in my Parkinson's disease project to quantify cells. I am wondering if there is a way to generate reports that also include results for each hemisphere. Thank you!


Jan 15, 2024  12:01 PM | Sharon Christine Yates - University of Oslo
RE: Customized Quantification for left vs. right hemisohere

Dear Ying,

Currently it is possible to generate separate reports for each hemisphere by using hemibrain masks in Nutil (you'll have to run Nutil twice). See instructions here: You can quickly generate hemibrain masks corresponding to your sections by using the QuickMask or QuickMaskNL provided on the NITRC page for QuickNII or VisuAlign respectively (email me at if you have problems with the tools, if needed I have a more detailed user manual I can forward you). 

In the future, we plan to incorporate hemibrain atlases in the tools. These will automatically create different reports for the left and right hemisphere, but this is still in the pipeline and will take some time. 

good luck
