help > tissue_seg_script errors
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Nov 1, 2019  02:11 AM | petemade
tissue_seg_script errors

We've been attempting to run images through Auto_EACSF but have encountered some issues when the images hit the It appears as if the template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz and template_to_T1_Affine.nii.gz files aren't being created (see output below), which Auto_EACSF subsequently can't find. We are using v1.4.1_RHL6 on Linux Red Hat 7 with python 3 and itk 5.0.1.

>>> : Running: /compute/research_bin/antsbin/bin/WarpImageMultiTransform 3 /software/Auto_EACSF_Pipeline/pediatric-atlas-1year-T1-ABC/DeepGray5Class/stripped/template.mha /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template.mha /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Affine.txt -R /HCP_images/output/144226/SkullStripping/144226_T1_stripped.nrrd

FIELD: /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz
AFFINE: /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Affine.txt
moving_image_filename: /software/Auto_EACSF_Pipeline/pediatric-atlas-1year-T1-ABC/DeepGray5Class/stripped/template.mha components 1
output_image_filename: /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template.mha
reference_image_filename: /HCP_images/output/144226/SkullStripping/144226_T1_stripped.nrrd
[0/2]: FIELD: /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz
[1/2]: AFFINE: /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Affine.txt
User Linear interpolation
Exception caught during WarpImageMultiTransform.

itk::ImageFileReaderException (0x350a890)
Location: "unknown"
File: /compute/research_bin/antsbin/ITKv5-install/include/ITK-5.0/itkImageFileReader.hxx
Line: 142
Description: Could not create IO object for reading file /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz
The file doesn't exist.
Filename = /HCP_images/output/144226/TissueSegAtlas/template_to_T1_Warp.nii.gz

Any ideas as to why it's not generating the files?

Nov 9, 2019  01:11 AM | petemade
RE: tissue_seg_script errors
I've got the solution! For future users, it turns out that this was a library issue. The solution was installing and exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to this lib's location. 

Nov 11, 2019  02:11 PM | Martin Styner
RE: tissue_seg_script errors
Great, that means some of tools previously did not run (because a system library was missing, the library is a system library that is expected by several tools to be present if you use the precompiled versions). 

One way to solve this is how Maddy did it. Another way would be to find an rpm for your system that contains that library and install that rpm, and a third would be to compile it locally on your system.

Originally posted by petemade:
I've got the solution! For future users, it turns out that this was a library issue. The solution was installing and exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to this lib's location. 
