help > Negative ARTS score
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Sep 6, 2024  12:09 AM | jblujus
Negative ARTS score


First, thank you for this great resource! I have implemented the ARTS toolbox in a small sample of older adults (N = 11, age range 60-79, mean age = 69) by feeding in DICOM files for T1, DWI, and FLAIR data. The QC outputs look fine. However, all of the resulting ARTS scores are negative. How would you interpret these scores? Would a negative score indicate the participant is likelier to have no or mild arteriolosclerosis than moderate to severe arteriolosclerosis?

Thank you,


Sep 6, 2024  01:09 PM | Konstantinos Arfanakis - Illinois Institute of Technology
RE: Negative ARTS score

Dear Jenna,

Thank you for your message. It is certainly possible to only have negative ARTS scores if your participants have lower likelihood of arteriolosclerosis. The lower the ARTS score, the lower the likelihood of arteriolosclerosis. In other words, the participant of your study that has the lowest score has lower likelihood of arteriolosclerosis than the participant that has the highest score. As the ARTS score increases so does the likelihood of arteriolosclerosis.

I hope this answers your question.

Feel free to post any other questions you may have.



Originally posted by jblujus:


First, thank you for this great resource! I have implemented the ARTS toolbox in a small sample of older adults (N = 11, age range 60-79, mean age = 69) by feeding in DICOM files for T1, DWI, and FLAIR data. The QC outputs look fine. However, all of the resulting ARTS scores are negative. How would you interpret these scores? Would a negative score indicate the participant is likelier to have no or mild arteriolosclerosis than moderate to severe arteriolosclerosis?

Thank you,
