help > jhu189 template and ch2bet
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Jul 31, 2023  10:07 PM | Matt Amandola
jhu189 template and ch2bet

Hi - 

I'm wondering where I can find more information about the jhu189.nii.gz template, as well as the ch2bet.  Mostly, which MNI template are these two images normalized to? They seem to fit relatively similarly to the MNI152Lin6Asym, but just a tad off.


Aug 1, 2023  11:08 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: jhu189 template and ch2bet

We describe the JHU 189 atlas here

by citing this paper


The ch2bet is based on a single individual and is described here:

While I am happy that my classic MRIcro and MRIcron tools have proved mature and popular, please understand that my development efforts focus on modern graphics hardware  resulting in MRIcroGL and NiiVue. Personally, I prefer the mni152 and spm152 templates provided with MRIcroGL. These are based on the 2009 atlases with MNI size (larger than average) and SPM size (average) to match the most popular normalization atlases:

For details on these two sizes, see: