help > Please help using COBRE data.
Jul 11, 2024  12:07 AM | lynn3280
Please help using COBRE data.

Hello, this is Lynn Kim. 

I am having some difficulty using your data. I would like to inquire about the data access permissions.

1. Firstly, I have already obtained permission to access the 1000 Functional Connectomes Project on NITRC.


Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 10.56.13 AM.png


2. However, when I click the links in the red box to download the files ("COBRE_scan_data.tgz", "COBRE_parameters_rest.csv", "COBRE_parameters_mprage.csv", "COBRE_phenotypic_data.csv"), I am unable to access the files.
Please check the images below.

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 11.06.47 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 10.53.32 AM.png