open-discussion > RE: NIRS or fNIRS database sharing request.
Jun 24, 2014  04:06 PM | David Boas
RE: NIRS or fNIRS database sharing request.
Originally posted by Anthony Cheung:
Dear NITRCers,

is there any available NIRS  or fNIRS database that you can sharing with me? I assure you I would obey the rules of using shared data and the data will only be used for my own research.

Thanks in advance

You can find some sample fNIRS data at

We are working to encourage others to use NITRC so shred fNIRS data. We hope to add more data soon.

Threaded View

Anthony Cheung Jun 24, 2014
RE: NIRS or fNIRS database sharing request.
David Boas Jun 24, 2014
Anthony Cheung Jun 30, 2014