open-discussion > Tool for downloading fMRI data across source?
Dec 18, 2014  06:12 PM | Benjamin Cipollini - UC San Diego
Tool for downloading fMRI data across source?
There are a few data sources for fMRI data (OpenfMRI, Functional Connectomes, ABIDE, CRCNS, etc), many of which are accessible through NITRIC.  Methods / tutorials to download, verify, and simply get started with the data are distributed here and there.

I would like a Python-based tool that has a common interface for accessing data (downloading & getting started on) from the different data sources.

Is anybody familiar with such a tool, or know of anything remotely similar?  It seems relatively simple to build, and a necessary step for getting more data scientists working with these valuable neuroimaging datasets.


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Tool for downloading fMRI data across source?
Benjamin Cipollini Dec 18, 2014
Nolan Nichols Dec 18, 2014
Benjamin Cipollini Dec 19, 2014
Gael Varoquaux Dec 19, 2014
Benjamin Cipollini Dec 19, 2014