open-discussion > New Version (1.0 Beta 2)
Nov 2, 2015  06:11 AM | Shekhar Chandra - University of Queensland
New Version (1.0 Beta 2)
Highlights: Image Blending via a mixer, VTK 6.3 support, Image Cursors, DICOM Improvements, Image Autolevel, Bilateral Image filtering and surface flattening.

New Blending Mixer (blending N number of images using a mixer):
Open mulitple images in single view mode and set colour maps
Set opacities in mixer
Enjoy the blended result
New Image Cursor
Available in multi-view (as above), but also in link view to identify same point in multiple images.

DICOM Improvements:

Let us know what you think!


Updated the apps that were out of date.
Fixed distance widget and others that were not working before.
Replaced crosshairs icon.
Fixed toolbar buttons not working for recent changes. Fixed human glyph preferences bug. Fixed instant display of crosshairs when enabled. Fixed window level reset in refresh for images.
Added refresh and cursors buttons for all windows in tab
Fixed VTK 5 compile errors. Added initial crosshair icon to be used later.
Added working linked and tracked cursors. Updated callback to invoke modified event for cursors. Added necessary API changes to access cursor components.
Added replacement cursor using ResliceCursor. Replaced Cursor3D with better looking one. Updated image class and main class to account for this. Added action for cursor.
Added copying of cursor position to other windows. Doesn't work but almost there I think.
Removed unused code for picking.
Added working version of an image cursor.
Added initial version of the cursor. Not working but code done.
Updated dev notes for recent changes.
Cleaned up auto level code for images. Removed Otsu version.
Completed working version of the auto level feature.
Properly reverted Otsu. Not great, needs fixing.
Added more code to do auto levelling using ITK. Still not working and reverted to Otsu levelling.
Added message for interpolator in orientation.
Merge branch 'topic-vtk6.3' into experimental
Fixed VTK 6 bug for orientation and output type. Added better histogram without zeros but doesn't make difference.
Added Otsu based level with autoLevel function. Augments previous approach with stats based approach.
Added notes and tweaked window leveling in autoLevel.
Completed working auto leveling and button. Levelling now works properly from inter-quartile ranges.
Added auto level button and better auto leveller. Moved info member to own section in image class. No code change. Moved histogram variable to class as needed throughout.
Fixed another VTK float type issue from 6.3. Need to check if change to float causes more issues.
Fixed render class for VTK 6.3 changes.