open-discussion > RE: Welcome to Open-Discussion
Jun 9, 2016  01:06 PM | Sara De Simoni - Imperial College London
RE: Welcome to Open-Discussion
Dear Florian,

Thanks very much for your answer! Yes when I run the group ICA, in many instances it seems to fail on dimensionality 4 - so I will exclude this from further analysis. However if I run melodic (through standard FSL commands) I do not get this error. Do you know why this may be?

When I run the reproducibility analysis I appear to get an error associated with dimensionality 11 (the corr_dim11.txt file lacks some information) - which I think is reflected in the following error? (this is from the error files of the split half step 3, whereas step 2 in some instances gives me the 'non-convergence' error).

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/share/apps/mICA/mICA_Toolbox/py/", line 131, in
value = cor_mat[row][column]
IndexError: list index out of range

My questions are:
(1) Can I still use this analysis but just ignore the dimensionalities that appear to cause problems?
(2) Why does the groupICA cause problems with dimension 4 but the reproducibility analysis causes a problem with dimension 11? Is this unpredictable as you said?
(2) I unfortunately couldn't find the no_convergence_error.png file - could you give me an indication of where this may be saved?
(3) This may be a silly question but am I correct in assuming that to create a graph such as Figure 2(A) in your paper, I would just need to average the numbers in the corr_.txt files for each dimension?

Thanks very much for your help and sorry for the multiple questions!

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Sara De Simoni Jun 8, 2016
Florian Beissner Jun 9, 2016
RE: Welcome to Open-Discussion
Sara De Simoni Jun 9, 2016
Florian Beissner Jun 10, 2016
Sara De Simoni Jun 10, 2016
Sara De Simoni Jun 10, 2016
Sara De Simoni Jun 8, 2016