questions > RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
Oct 25, 2016  01:10 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
I am not familiar with the viewer you are using, do you see different values in MRIcroGL and SPM? I wonder if your viewer is not taking the rescale slope and intercept into account. I suspect that the issue here is that your data exceeds what can be stored in a signed 16-bit integer (e.g. the DICOM data is UNSIGNED 16-bit, but this is not a common NIfTI format). In this case, there are different strategies to preserve precision. Feel free to send me a sample dataset by personal email (e.g. send link to dropbox). A full report from fslhd would also be useful. By the way, there may also be differences in PAR/REC conversion as my software tries to convert the float value to NIfTI rather than the display value (as described here

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Pascal Pas Oct 23, 2016
Chris Rorden Feb 19, 2017
Chris Rorden Oct 26, 2016
Felix Navarro Guirado Feb 9, 2017
Chris Rorden Feb 9, 2017
Felix Navarro Guirado Feb 10, 2017
Pascal Pas Oct 26, 2016
RE: Voxel values 500 times higher with dcm2niix
Chris Rorden Oct 25, 2016
Pascal Pas Oct 25, 2016