questions > dcm2niix - "No valid DICOM files were found"
Nov 23, 2016  11:11 PM | Enrico T.
dcm2niix - "No valid DICOM files were found"
Hi, I'm using dcm2niix to convert DICOM images but with some exams I get the "No valid DICOM files were found" error, even though the images are valid DICOM files.
You can find in attachment one of those images.
I checked the transfer syntax and it seems supported by dcm2niix...

Thank you,
Attachment: CT000000.dcm

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dcm2niix - "No valid DICOM files were found"
Enrico T. Nov 23, 2016
Chris Rorden Nov 25, 2016
Enrico T. Dec 1, 2016